Interactive DOM level 2 mutation attributes, methods and events page

Reference: DOM 2 MutationEvent events at W3C

Testing the DOMCharacterDataModified mutation event

This is the test paragraph

Testing the DOMAttrModified mutation event


Testing the DOMNodeInserted and DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument mutation events

This is a paragraph for testing the DOMNodeInserted and DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument events.

Attention: this test will CRASH in Opera 7.11 and lower. This crash bug was fixed in Opera 7.20.

Testing the DOMNodeRemoved, DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument and DOMSubtreeModified mutation events

This is a paragraph for testing the DOMNodeRemoved, DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument and DOMSubtreeModified events. This green text is a span node within this 4th parg.

Relevant bugfiles:
Bug 74219: NodeInsertedIntoDocument Mutation Event Needs Implemented

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