Misaligned floated links

Actual (live) result in your browser:

Expected result (screen shot 515px width, 67px height; links underlining may differ):
[Image download support must be enabled for this test]

Actual result in IE 8 beta 1 (screen shot 521px width, 143px height; links underlining may differ):
[Image download support must be enabled for this test]

"A floated box is shifted to the left or right until its outer edge touches the containing block edge or the outer edge of another float."
CSS 2.1, section 9.5 Floats

Firefox, Firefox 3, Opera 9.27, Opera 9.50, Safari 3.1.1, Konqueror 4.1, Hv3 TKHTML alpha 16, Seamonkey 1.x, Seamonkey 2.x, NS 7.2, K-meleon 1.x, Galeon 2.0.4, Epiphany 2.22 all pass this test.

This bug has been reported at connect's IE beta feedback as bug 354367.

Update: This bug has been FIXED in Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 (build 6001.18241) released on August 28th 2008. Otherwise, Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 PASSES this specific and particular testcase.

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