Dynamically adding <option>s into a select with DOM 1/2 HTML add() method is broken in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 beta 1

Fruits of the forest:

DOM 1 HTML, Interface HTMLSelectElement on the add method and
DOM 2 HTML, Interface HTMLSelectElement on the add method
both give:
void add(in HTMLElement element, in HTMLElement before)

"Add a new element to the collection of OPTION elements for this SELECT. This method is the equivalent of the appendChild method of the Node interface if the before parameter is null. It is equivalent to the insertBefore method on the parent of before in all other cases."

    Add a new element to the collection of OPTION elements for this SELECT.


element of type HTMLElement
   The element to add.

before of type HTMLElement
   The element to insert before, or null for the tail of the list.

Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Opera 9.27, Opera 9.50, Safari 3.1, Konqueror 3.5.8, Seamonkey 2.x, NS 7.0, NS 7.2, K-meleon 1.x, Galeon 2, Epiphany 2 all pass this test.

This bug has been reported at connect's IE beta feedback as bug 338795.

Update: This bug has been FIXED in Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 (build 6001.18241) released on August 28th 2008. Otherwise, Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 PASSES this specific and particular testcase.

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