爵哈得 塔布特的窗口属性方法事件网页

本网页只能在 Internet Explorer 6. 下正常运行, 你能够拖移, 缩放下面的两个 主窗体.



用户屏幕的总宽度 screen.width  

用户屏幕的总高度 screen.height  

对应用程序而言用户屏幕的有效宽度 screen.availWidth  

对应用程序而言用户屏幕的有效高度 screen.availHeight  

浏览器视窗宽度 document.documentElement.offsetWidth
window.innerWidth  当用户调整视窗大小的时候,这个值会动态改变。垂直滚动条(如果有)的宽度包含在内,但不包括 Explorer BarSidebar. Note

浏览器视窗宽度 document.documentElement.offsetHeight
window.innerHeight  当用户调整视窗大小的时候,这个值会动态改变。水平滚动条(如果有)的长度包含在内,但不包括 Tip of the Day bar 的长度. Note

用户浏览器有效宽度 window.outerWidth  

用户浏览器有效高度 window.outerHeight  



用户浏览器窗口的左边到屏幕左边之间的水平距离 window.screenLeft window.screenX  
当缩放浏览器窗口时,本值会改变;目前不支持移动窗口时改变数值;这个值有可能是负数. MSIE 5+ 中计算的是内容区的左边到屏幕左边之间的距离. Note

用户浏览器窗口的顶端到屏幕的顶端之间的垂直距离 window.screenTop window.screenY  
当缩放浏览器窗口时,本值会改变;目前不支持移动窗口时改变数值;这个值有可能是负数. MSIE 5+ 中计算的是内容区的顶端到屏幕顶端左边之间的距离. Note

从左边的绝对位置的最近的父区或左边的布局器算起的水平距离/水平偏移: 以下是相应文档 ScreenData.offsetLeft -

从顶端的绝对位置的最近的父区或顶端的布局器算起的垂直距离/垂直偏移: 以下是相应文档 ScreenData.offsetTop -

鼠标事件坐标 点击固定本视见区上的这个元素
Opera 7 Internet Explorer 6 Netscape 6.x ev[en]t.clientX
Opera 7 Internet Explorer 6 Netscape 6.x ev[en]t.clientY
Internet Explorer 6 event.offsetX Note
滚动事件触发的总数 Internet Explorer 6 Netscape 7.x
鼠标中键滚动事件触发的数值 Internet Explorer 6 Netscape 7.x
Internet Explorer 6 event.offsetY Note
Opera 7 Internet Explorer 6event.x Note
Internet Explorer 6event.y Note
Opera 7 Internet Explorer 6 Netscape 6.x ev[en]t.screenX
Opera 7 Internet Explorer 6 Netscape 6.x ev[en]t.screenY
X mouse coordinate within the whole width of the document
Opera 7 Netscape 6.x evt.pageX
Y mouse coordinate within the whole height of the document
Opera 7 Netscape 6.x evt.pageY
Internet Explorer 6 only document.documentElement.scrollLeft
Opera 7 Netscape 6.x window.pageXOffset
Internet Explorer 6 only document.documentElement.scrollTop
Opera 7 Netscape 6.x window.pageYOffset
Distance and direction rolled by the mousewheel
Internet Explorer 6 only event.wheelDelta

Notes about MSIE 6 and NS 6+

Expressions, terms used in reference sites

References used

Peter-Paul Koch's Properties and manipulation (via methods) of the Window object page
MasterGrid for MSIE 4 and 5 (operating systems Windows and MacIntosh), Netscape 4 and 6

Web Developper Virtual Library's Grand Unified Table: events and supported properties of the event object
for Netscape 4 and MSIE 4 and 5

MSDN's interactive demo on measurement, dimension and location (in compatible mode only; not in standard-compliant mode)

MSDN's interactive demo on measurement, object's event, scroll positions, client area (in compatible mode only; not in standard-compliant mode)

MSDN's reference on object measurement and location, scroll position, DHTML positioning properties (in compatible mode only; not in standard-compliant mode)

Major incompatibilities between MSIE 5+ and Netscape 6+

There is a major incompatibility between MSIE 5+ window.screenTop and NS 6+ window.screenY. MSIE 5+ calculates the distance from the top of the content area (client area) to the top side of the screen. NS 6+ calculates the distance from the top of the browser's window to the top side of the screen. There seems to be no way to figure out the height of chrome elements (menu bar, tools bar, address bar) present in the browser for MSIE 5+.

The same phenomenon is observed for MSIE 5+ window.screenLeft and NS 6+ window.screenX. MSIE 5+ calculates the distance from the left of the content area (client area) to the left side of the screen. NS 6+ calculates the distance from the left of the browser's window to the left side of the screen. When the MSIE 5+ Explorer Bar is displayed, we can clearly see that the window.screenLeft value is increased while when the NS 6+ Sidebar is displayed, the window.screenX value does not increase since the referenced coordinates system is different. The same phenomenon is observed for chrome bars at the top of the browser's application.

NS 6+ evt.layerX/Y properties calculate the distance from the left/top corner of an element if it is absolutely or relatively positioned; if it's not positioned, then the values are the distance from the left/top of its closest absolutely or relatively positioned containing element. In case the target element has no positioned element within the containment hierarchy, then the body element is the positioned containing element.
There appears to be 3 exceptions to this: input type="text", textarea and options in a select. When an event occurs in one of these 3 elements, regardless if they are positioned or not, the evt.layerX/Y properties will return the offset coordinates within them.

MSIE 5+ event.offsetX/Y properties calculate the distance from the left/top corner of the target element (e.g. clicking inside an image) regardless if the element is absolutely or relatively positioned or if its containment element is positioned or not. There appears to be 4 exceptions to this: for A, H, P and SPAN elements, the event.offsetX/Y will return coordinates relative to the offsetParent (which is usually - not always - the closest positioned containing element), otherwise to the BODY element.

So NS 6+ evt.layerX/Y properties are not the equivalent of MSIE 5+ event.offsetX/Y properties.

Known bugs and expected fixes for Mozilla

Bugzilla Bug #114649; Target: Future
Onresize events should fire while resizing the window, not just when the mouse stops moving.

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