Text-align: center or right should only format inline content of a list item's principal block box and not the position of its list marker when the list-item's list-style-position is set to outside

Actual (live) results in your browser:

Expected results: the bullet (filled disc) should be inside the yellow box (screen shot 907px wide, 100px tall):
[Image download support must be enabled for this test]

Actual results in Internet Explorer 8: the bullet (filled disc) is inside the light green box (screen shot 907px wide, 100px tall):
[Image download support must be enabled for this test]

Nota bene: The marker box has the yellow background-color; the list-item's principal block box has the light green background-color and is surrounded by a medium solid black border.


"An element with 'display: list-item' generates a principal [block] box for the element's content and an optional marker box as a visual indication that the element is a list item."
coming from CSS 2.1, section 12.5 Lists

"list-style-position: outside
    The marker box is outside the principal block box."
coming from CSS 2.1, section 12.5.1 on list-style-position

Safari 4.0 and Konqueror 4.2.4 pass this test.

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