Setting max-width to list-item is incorrectly rendered in Internet Explorer 7

2 rendering problems in Internet Explorer 7

First problem: list-markers are all numbered "1" in Internet Explorer 7

Second problem: list markers appear on the left of the last line of the text of the list-item, not at the first line

Actual (live) results in your browser

  1. This is list-item #1. Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text
  2. This is list-item #2. The list-marker shows 1 in Internet Explorer 7 when it should show 2. This is list-item #2. The list-marker shows 1 in Internet Explorer 7 when it should show 2.
  3. This is list-item #3. The list-marker shows 1 in Internet Explorer 7 when it should show 3. This is list-item #3. The list-marker shows 1 in Internet Explorer 7 when it should show 3.
  4. This is list-item #4. The list-marker shows 1 in Internet Explorer 7 when it should show 4. This is list-item #4. The list-marker shows 1 in Internet Explorer 7 when it should show 4.

Expected results, correct rendering (screenshot: 364px)

[Image download support must be enabled for this test]

The bug is still present regardless of the unit of the max-width declaration. The max-width could be declared in px, em, etc.. and the bug would still be there.

Firefox 1.5, Firefox, Opera 9.24, Opera 9.50, Safari 2.0.4, Safari 3.0.4, Konqueror 3.5.8, Hv3 TKHTML alpha 16, Seamonkey 1.x, Seamonkey 2.x, K-meleon 1.x, Galeon 2.0.2, Epiphany 2.14, NS 7.0, NS 7.2 all pass this test.

Credit must go to Chris Beall reporting this max-width declared on list-item bug

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